Thursday, November 22, 2007

22/11/1989 - to - 29/11/2006

wednesday 22/11/2006 ....
i remember that day ..your bd party ...when u told me that u will never forget me ..and asked if i will remember u one year later ..........when u said that u will love me forever and wish that i do too ..and asked me .. if i will still love you one year later
wednesday 29/11/2006 .... the day u left me ....
the day u die ....
and ...
TODAY is thursday 22/11/2007 and i still remember u .... as u asked ... and i still love you ...and i will do forever as u wished .... so happy birth day baby
hope you r enjoing your paradise .... wish that god put his merci in your lovely soul ..
oh my...... u don't know how much i miss you much i wanna see u ...once again
just one more time
one more look at your eyes
one more minute in your arms
one minute to hear your voice again ....
oh it has been along time ....very long ,hard time for me.....
actually i didn't expect that things gonna be like this ..... i didn't even imagin it
but's true..and i should face it..
it's god willing ....
so please lord...

let merci go ... and wash away all her saints ....let her be happy in your heavens .....
...oh ...rana ... i remember


dr.Roufy said...

your words are so melancholic
may god bless her soul
may god bless your heart

Zika said...


المبتدأ بنفسه said...

البقاء لله...تعيش وتفتكر يا دوحة

Zika said...

ونعم بالله ....ربنا يخليك يا مارفل باشا

sa'7so'7te said...

كل سنة و هى طيبة و اكيد بخير

ربنا يجمعكوا ببعض فى اخرته

اعذرنى مش لاقية كلام

di el2mr said...

nice words
but let the time go and may be y and she met again and still together forever

lonlysmily said...

bgd ur words are....
i can't describe them but all i can say like others said
"God Bless her"

Zika said...

وربنا يرحمنا جميعا
di el2mr
i wish that too
may god bless us all